Recent Poem Publications:
The New Yorker, November 4th, 2024: 'Two Kinds of Ending'
Times Literary Supplement, March 1st, 2024: 'Stansted to Knock, December 21st'
New York Review of Books, July 25, 2024: 'Imagine the Atlantic as an Actor'
Poetry Ireland Review No. 143, Summer 2024: (Ed. Mícheál McCann): 'Lint', 'Turn of the Year'
New York Review of Books:
October 8, 2020: ‘The Poetry Manual
October 25, 2018: ‘Vanishing Point’
March 8, 2018: ‘On the Deployment of Simile to Understand Good Marriages’
Times Literary Supplement:
Apr 23, 2021: ‘Split Infinitive’
Poetry Ireland Review: Issue 13 (ed. Colette Bryce):
Three Poems: ‘Under a Tree, Parked’; ‘Daily News Round-up’; ‘For Now’
The Poetry Review: Vol 111:1 Spring 2021 (ed. Emily Berry)
Two Poems: ‘Linkage’; ‘Quarantine'
The Hudson Review: Spring 2020:
Three Poems: ‘Sundial Metaphors’; ‘Still Life in Marble’; ‘Phrase Book for the Subjunctive, Lesson 1
The Guardian:
Sept 14, 2019: Poem of the Month: ‘No one uses doilies anymore’
The Irish Times:
Feb 16, 2019: Poem: ‘Against Loneliness’
The New Yorker:
Recent Essay Publications:
Winter Papers 9 (2023)
'Codex, an Illustrated manuscript'
Running feet, sharp noses: essays on the animal world (2023)
'Pure Animal Instinct: poems in animals and animals in poems'
Los Angeles Review of Books:
Feb 14, 2021: On Gerard Manley Hopkins’,‘No worst there is none’
Seamus Heaney in Context (ed Geraldine Higgins, Cambridge University Press, 2021):
‘Proper Nouns’, pp 127-135
Oxford Handbook of W.B. Yeats (Oxford University Press, forthcoming in 2023):
'Yeats and Contemporary Poetry: 12 Takes'
Cambridge Reflections: Covid 19
Blog post: ‘Poetry in an Age of Coronavirus’, May 2020
Recent Interviews:
‘How do you make a teapot be intellectually interesting?’ An Interview with Vona Groarke:
Bath Magg:
The Dublin Review - Essays:
‘A Hundred Acres, a Few Ditches, Some Mist (On picking stones and becoming a poet)’ – Issue No. 5
‘Foreignism: A Philadelphia Diary’, Issue No. 18
‘Remakes: King Kong and an Irish Family’, Issue No. 24
‘War. Not War: On the Home Front of the War on Terror’, Issue No. 25
‘It Hot: A Sojourn in the South’, Issue No. 27
‘A Broth of a Boy: the legend of John McCormack’, Issue No. 32
‘Burundi’ (Short story), Issue No. 35
Irish Times, Sept 2024
Review of new poetry collections by Paul Muldoon, Katie Donovan, Rory Waterman and Harry Josephine Giles:
Irish Times, June 2024
Review of new poetry collections by Saskia Hamilton, MIlena Williamson, Isabel Galleymore and Kerry Hardie.
History Ireland, 2022
Review of Small World by Seamus Deane (Cambridge University Press, 2021):
Poetry Ireland Review No. 131: Vona Groarke reviews Deryn Rees-Jones and Jericho Brown
Poetry Ireland Review No. 137: Vona Groarke reviews Irish Women Poets Rediscovered, eds Maria Johnston and Conor Linnie (Cork University Press, 2021)
Poetry Ireland Review No. 139: Vona Groarke reviews new collections by Tracy K. Smith, Maureen McLane, Ada Limón and Jana Prikryl, Midwood
Irish Times, July 2023
Review of Crisis Actor by Declan Ryan:
Irish Times, Feb 2023
Review of Bad Bridget by Elaine Farrell and Leanne McCormack: